Informal Education’s Characteristics


It is unaffected by boundary walls.

It does not have a set curriculum.

It isn’t planned ahead of time and has no set schedule.

We receive informal education through daily experience and learning new things, thus there are no expenses.

It is a natural, lifelong process that does not require credentials or degrees, and there is no pressure to learn new topics.

You can obtain information from a variety of sources, including the media, personal experiences, friends, and family.

The Benefits of Informal Education

More naturally learning process because you can learn from your daily experiences anywhere and at any time.

It entails activities such as conducting individual and personal research on a topic of interest for themselves using books, libraries, social media, the internet, or obtaining assistance from informal trainers.

Makes use of a variety of techniques.

There is no time limit.

Learning is less expensive and takes less time.

There is no need to hire specialists because most professionals are ready to share their valuable information with students and the general public via social media and the internet.

Learners can get the necessary information from books, television, radio, or talks with friends and family.

Informal Education’s Negative Effects

Disinformation may result from information obtained from the internet, social media, television, radio, or conversations with friends/family members.

Techniques used may not be appropriate.

There is no proper schedule or time span.

Unpredictable outcomes that are simply a waste of time

a lack of trust in the learner

Discipline, attitude, and good habits are lacking.

Formal and Informal Education

Adult basic education, adult literacy education, and school equivalency preparation are examples of non-formal education.

Someone (who is not in school) can learn literacy, other basic skills, or work skills through nonformal education.

Other options include homeschooling, personalized teaching (such as programmed learning), remote learning, and computer-assisted learning.

Non-formal education is delivered knowingly, methodically, and in a systematic manner. It should be set up for a cohesive group. Education, both formal and informal, should be tailored to meet the requirements of the target population. This will need flexibility in the curriculum design and evaluation process.

Non-formal Education Examples

Nonformal education includes sports programmes developed by Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, such as swimming.

Fitness programmes are available.

Adult education classes are offered in the community.

Some group has created free adult education courses.

Non-formal Education Characteristics

Nonformal education is organised and conducted outside of the school system.

The schedule and curriculum can be changed as needed.

It is practical and vocational education, as opposed to theoretical formal education.

There is no age limit for nonformal education.

There may or may not be a need for fees or certifications.

It can be full-time or part-time study, and it is possible to earn while learning.

It entails the acquisition of professional abilities.

Non-Formal Education’s Benefits

Training that is both practical and vocational.

Those with naturally developing brains do not wait for the system to change.

Literacy with skill development in which self-learning is valued.

Flexibility in terms of age, curriculum, and schedule.

A system of open-ended education in which both the public and private sectors are involved.

There is no need to have regular tests.

The awarding of a diploma, certificate, or reward is not required.

Non-formal Education Has Its Drawbacks

Participants’ attendance is inconsistent.

Sometimes it’s just a waste of time because the test isn’t required on a regular basis and no degree or certification is issued at the conclusion of the training session.

It is critical to master basic reading and writing abilities.

There are no qualified and experienced teachers.

Pupils may not have the same level of confidence as ordinary students.

Some schools provide phoney certifications through online courses only for the sake of profit.